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Research-Evaluation for Dr J. Paul Gibson, INFormatique (INF), France. |
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Computer science panelist for the Enterprise Ireland Basic Research Grant Programme (2003)
Evaluator/reviewer for the Programme Blanc Jeunes Chercheuses Jeunes Chercheurs (JCJC): Science informatique et applications de l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche (2012, 2013)
Evaluator/reviewer for the Programme CIFRE - Conventions Industrielles de Formation par la REcherche: de l'Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie (ANRT) (2013)
Evaluator/reviewer for the Projets générique ANR 2015: Science informatique et applications de l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche (2015)
Evaluator for European FP6, IST priority 2:
Portfolio Analysis for European FP6, IST priority 2:
Reviewer for RODIN project (European Union, FP6, IST priority 2).
Expert (Evaluator/Rapporteur) European Union FP7
Expert (Evaluator/Rapporteur) European Union H2020
Expert (Evaluator/Rapporteur) European Union Horizon Europe 21-27
Evaluator/reviewer for the South American STIC-AmSud Program: ICT Research Innovation (2012)
Evaluator/reviewer for the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) : Individual Research Grants Program (2018)
PhD Thesis by Mr Andreas Francois Vermeulen: Autonomous Crawler Processing of Smart Data Lakes at scale, University of St Andrews, Scotland, March 2021 - (examiner).
PhD Thesis by Mr Andrei Lima Queiroz: Detection of Software Vulnerabilities Communication in Expert Social Media Channels: A Data-driven Approach, Technological University of Dublin (TUD), Ireland, December 2020 - AWARDED 2021 - (examiner).
PhD Thesis by Madame Souha Boubaker: Vérification formelle de la configuration des processus métiers dans le Cloud, awarded by Université Paris Saclay (TSP-UPS), France, 2018 (jury member).
PhD Thesis by Thi Mai Nguyend: A Model driven engineering approach to build secure information systems, awarded by Université Paris Saclay (TSP-UPS), France, 2017 (jury member).
PhD Thesis by Arnaud Dieumegard: Garanties Formelles pour la Géénération de Code Critique: l'Affaire des Langages Fortement Variables, awarded by ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, 2015 (jury member).
PhD Thesis by Tanh-Liem Phan: Développement Incrémental de Spécifications d'Architectures en UML Intégrant des Procédures de Vérification, awarded by Université Montpellier II, 2013 (jury member).
PhD Thesis by Dubravka Ilic: Formal reasoning about Dependability in Model-Driven Development, awarded by Turku Center for Computer Science, 2007 (rapporteur).
PhD Thesis by Mark Hennesy: A test-driven development strategy for the construction of grammar-based software, awarded by NUI Maynooth, 2007 (examiner).
MPhil Thesis by Paul Stacey: Peer-to-peer Searching and Sharing of Electronic Documents, awarded by DIT, Ireland, 2005 (examiner).
MSc Thesis by David Tunney: var-pi: A language based on the pi-calculus, awarded by DCU, Ireland, 2004 (examiner).
MSc Thesis by Aidan Haran: Collaborative Computer Personalities in the Game of Chess, awarded DCU, Ireland, 2002 (examiner).
URL: http://jpaulgibson.synology.me/~jpaulgibson/TSP/Research/Evaluation/ |
Last Revision:15th September 2023 |
Contact: paul.gibson@telecom-sudparis.eu |