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Research-Publications for Dr J. Paul Gibson, INFormatique (INF), Telecom SudParis, France. |
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Proceedings of the
First International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for e-Voting Systems (RE-VOTE09),
Atlanta, GA, USA, August 2009.
Published in IEEE Explore,
ISBN 978-1-4244-7698-5,
edited by J. Paul Gibson and Doug Jones.
Software Reuse and Plagiarism: A code of practice,
J. Paul Gibson.
Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Conference on
Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
(ITiCSE 2009), Paris, July 3-8, 2009, pages 55 - 59,
ISBN = 978-1-60558-729-5
Also published in
ACM Inroads SIGCSE Bulletin,
Volume 41(3) (2009),
Feature Interactions in a Software
Product Line for E-voting,
J. Paul Gibson, Eric Lallet, Jean-Luc Raffy.
Presented at ICFI 2009:
the 10th International Conference on Feature Interactions, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-12 June, 2009.
Published in Feature Interactions in Software and Communication Systems X, Nakamura and Reiff-Marganiec (editors),
pages 91 - 106, IOS Press, ISBN 9781607500148.
Sculpturing Event-B Models with RODIN:
"Holes and Lumps" in Teaching Refinement through Problem-Based Learning,
J. Paul Gibson, Eric Lallet, Jean-Luc Raffy. Presented
at the Conference:
From Research to Teaching Formal Methods - The B Method
(TFM B'2009),
8 June 2009, Journée Scientifique, Université de Nantes.
Published by APCB in proceedings TFM-B'2009, Attiogbe and Mery (editors), pages 7-21, ISBN 2951246102.
Analysis of a distributed e-voting system architecture against quality of service requirements,
J. Paul Gibson, Eric Lallet and Jean-Luc Raffy.
Presented at
ICSEA 08 (The Third International Conference on Software Engineering Advances).
October 26-31, 2008 - Sliema, Malta.
Proceedings published by
IEEE Computer Society,
editors: Mannaert, Ohta, Dini and Pellerin, pages 58-64,
ISBN = 9780769533728.
Weaving a Formal Methods Education With
Problem-Based Learning,
J. Paul Gibson.
ISolA 2008(3rd International Symposium
on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation).
13-15 October 2008, Porto Sani, Greece. Published in
T. Margaria and B. Steffen (Eds.): Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation,
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) 17, pages 460-472,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-540-88478-1.
Verification and Maintenance of e-voting systems and standards,
J. Paul Gibson and Margaret McGaley. Presented at:
ECEG 2008,
the 8th European Conference on e-Government
Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne, Switzerland, 10-11 July 2008.
In proceedings, pages 283-290, editor Dan Remenyi, published
Academic Publishing International,
ISBN 978-1-906638-09-2 (and 978-1-906638-09-2 CD).
How Do I Know If My Design Is Correct?,
J. Paul Gibson, Eric Lallet and Jean-Luc Raffy.
FORMED 2008 conference proceedings,
pages 61-70, editor Zoltan Istenes,
ETAPS 2008,
satellite event. Budapest,
Hungary, March 29, 2008.
Formal methods - never too young to start,
J. Paul Gibson.
FORMED 2008 conference proceedings,
pages 151-160, editor Zoltan Istenes,
ETAPS 2008,
satellite event. Budapest,
Hungary, March 29, 2008.
Lower bounds on the computational power of an
optical model of computation,
Damien Woods and
J. Paul Gibson.
Published in
Journal of Natural Computing,
Volume 7, Number 1 (March 2008) pages 95 -- 108, Springer,
ISSN 1567-7818 (Print) 1572-9796 (Online),
Published online: 31 July 2007.
Formal verification of tamper-evident storage for e-voting,
Dominique Cansell,
J. Paul Gibson, and Dominique Méry,
Proceedings of
5th IEEE International Conference on
Software Engineering and Formal Methods
London, 10-14 September 2007.
Published by
IEEE Computer Science Press, pages 329-338, ISBN = 0-7695-2884-8, editors Mike Hinchey and Tiziana Margaria.
Refinement: a constructive approach to formal software design for a secure e-voting
Dominique Cansell,
J. Paul Gibson, and Dominique Méry.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 183 (2007), pages 39-55,
ISSN 1571-0661.
E-Voting and the Need for Rigorous Software Engineering
- The Past, Present and Future,
J. Paul Gibson,
Invited Talk:
In proceedings of the 7th International B Conference
(B 2007),Besancon, France, 17 - 19 January 2007.
Published in: Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume (4355),
editors: Jacques Julliand and Olga Kouchnarenko;
ISBN 3-540-68760-2, pages 1-1.
Refinement: a constructive approach to formal software design for a secure e-voting
Dominique Cansell,
J. Paul Gibson, and Dominique Méry.
Published in proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on
Formal Methods for Interactive Systems
(FMIS 2006),
as part of ICFEM06 ,
Macau SAR China, 31st October 2006. Edited by A. Cerone and P. Curzon
A Critical Analysis of the Council of Europe Recommendations
on E-voting Standards, Margaret McGaley and J. Paul Gibson,
published in the
proceedings of the
2006 USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop
(EVT'06), Vancouver, Canada, July 31st -
August 4th 2006.
RoboCode and Problem-based
Learning: A non-prescriptive
approach to teaching programming,
Jackie O'Kelly, and
J. Paul Gibson,
Presented at the Eleventh Annual Conference on
Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
University of Bologna, Italy, 26-28 June 2006,
Published in proceedings, pages 217-221,
ISBN =1-59593-055-8, ACM Press.
Also published in
ACM Inroads SIGCSE Bulletin,
Volume 38(3) (2006),ISSN:0097-8418.
Automated Assessment in CS1,
Des Traynor, Susan Bergin and
J. Paul Gibson,
presented at the
Australasian Computing Education Conference
as part of the Australasian Computer Science Week
January 16th - 19th, 2006, Hobart, Tasmania.
Published by:
CRPIT series,
Volume = 52,
Pages = 223 - 228.
Editors: Denise Tolhurst and Samuel Mann.
ISBN = 1920682341, ISSN = 1445-1336.
E-Voting Requirements Modelling: An Algebraic Specification Approach (With CafeOBJ),
J. Paul Gibson,
Technical Report: NUI Maynooth, Computing Science Department, NUIM-CS-TR2005-14,
Enhancing Skills Transfer through Problem-based
Jackie O'Kelly, Rosemary Monahan, J. Paul Gibson and Stephen Brown,
Technical Report: NUI Maynooth, Computing Science Department, NUIM-CS-TR2005-13,
Software engineering as a model of understanding for
learning and problem solving,
Jackie O'Kelly and
J. Paul Gibson,
presented at
the first International Computing Education Research Workshop
(ICER 2005),
October 1-2, 2005, Seattle, USA.
In proceedings,
pages 87 - 97,
ISBN 1-59593-043-4.
Lower bounds on the computational power of an optical model of computation,
Damien Woods and
J. Paul Gibson,
presented at the Fourth International Conference on
Unconventional Computation
Sevilla, Spain, 3-7 October, 2005.
Published in: Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume (3699),
editors: Calude, C.S.; Dinneen, M.J.; Paun, G.; Pérez-JiMénez, M.d.J.; Rozenberg, G.;
ISBN 3-540-29100-8, pages 237 - 251.
Preliminary Study to Empirically Investigate the
Comprehensibility of Requirements Specifications,
Deirdre Carew, Dr. Chris Exton, Dr. Jim Buckley, Margaret McGaley, and
J. Paul Gibson,
in proceedings of the
Psychology of Programming Interest Group 17th annual workshop
(PPIG 2005),
University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 28 June - 1 July, 2005,
editors: P. Romero, J. Good, E. Acosta Chaparro and S. Bryant,
pages 182 - 202.
Complexity of continuous space machine operations,
Damien Woods and
J. Paul Gibson,
presented at the First Conference on
Computability in Europe: New Computational Paradigms.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
June 8-12, 2005.
Published in: Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume (3526),
editors: S.Barry Cooper, Benedikt Löwe, Leen Torenvliet,
ISBN 3540261796, pages 540 - 551.
PBL: year One Analysis - Interpretation and Validation,
O'Kelly, Jackie and Gibson, J.Paul,
Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Problem
Based Learning
(PBL 2005), 9-11 June 2005, Lahti, Finland.
A Graduate's Role In Techology Transfer: From
Requirements to Design with UML,
Stephen Hallinan and
J. Paul Gibson,
Presented at the IASTED International Conference on
(SE 2005),
February 15-17, 2005,
Innsbruck, Austria.
Proceedings published by
IASTED (ACTA PRESS), pages 94-99,
editor Peter Kokol,
ISBN 0-88986-464-0, ISSN: 1027-2666.
Synthesis and Analysis of Automatic Assessment Methods in CS1:
Generating intelligent MCQs,
Traynor, D., and J. Paul Gibson,
Presented at the
Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education
(SIGCSE05) Technical Symposium, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 23 - 27 February, 2005.
ACM International Conference Proceedings Series,
pages 495 - 499,
editors: Wanda Dann, Thomas L. Naps, Paul T. Tymann, and Doug Baldwin.
(Paper Acceptance Rate: 104.00 of 330.00 submissions, 32%).
Also published in
ACM Inroads SIGCSE Bulletin,
Volume 37(1) (2005),
Implementing Cognitive Modelling in CS Education:
Aligning theory and practice of learning to Program,
Traynor, D., and J. Paul Gibson,
presented at
Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age
(CELDA 2004), Lisbon, Portugal, 15 - 17 December, 2004.
Proceedings published by
IADIS, 2004,
Editors: Kinshuk, Demetrios Sampson and Pedro IsaÃas,
pages 535 - 536,
ISBN: 972-98947-7-9.
3rd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Programming in Java
Las Vegas, Nevada, June 16-18, 2004.
J. Paul Gibson, James Power and John Waldron,
Published In the
ACM International Conference Proceeedings Series volume 91, 2004,
ISBN: 1-59593-171-6
Towards the development of a cognitive model of programming: a software engineering
Des Traynor and J. Paul Gibson,
in proceedings of the
Psychology of Programming Interest Group 16th annual workshop
(PPIG 2004), pages 79-85,
editors Dunican and Green,
5 - 7 April, 2004,
Institute of Technology, Carlow, Ireland.
Software Reuse In Final Year Projects:
A Code of Practice,
J. Paul Gibson,
Technical Report: NUI Maynooth, Computing Science Department, NUIM-CS-TR2003-12,
E-voting: a safety critical system,
Margaret McGaley and
J. Paul Gibson,
Technical Report: NUI Maynooth, Computing Science Department, NUIM-CS-TR2003-02,
A Continuous-space model of computation,
D. Woods, T. J. Naughton, and J. Paul Gibson,
Invited presentation of abstract to the
American Mathematical Society
(Spring Western Section Meeting #987),
Special Session: Beyond Classical Boundaries of Computability, M. Burgin and P. Wegner, Eds.,
page 484,
San Francisco, CA, 3 - 4 May, 2003.
Published in Abstracts of Papers Presented to the AMS, vol. 24, no. 3.
A noughts and crosses Java applet to teach programming
to primary school children,
J. Paul Gibson,
Presented at the
2nd International Conference on the
Principles and Practice of Programming in Java
Kilkenny City, Ireland, June 16-18, 2003.
Published in
ACM Int. Conference Proceedings Series, volume 42,
pages 85 - 88,
ISBN 0954414519,
editors James Power and John Waldron.
Applying the Decorator Pattern for Profiling
Object-Oriented Software,
Edward Duffy, J. Paul Gibson and Brian Malloy.
Presented at the 11th IEEE International Workshop
on Program Comprehension
(IWPC03) May 10 - 11, 2003,
Portland, Oregon, USA.
Published by the
IEEE Computer Society Press,
ISBN 0769518834,
pages 84 - 93,
editors: Hausi A. Müller, Rainer Koschke, Kenny Wong.
Using a Taxonomy Tool to Identify Changes in OO Software,
Peter Clarke, Brian Malloy and J. Paul Gibson,
Presented at the
7th European Conference on
Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2003),
Benevento, Italy, March 26 - 28, 2003.
Published by the
IEEE Computer Society Press,
ISBN 0769519024, pages: 213 - 223,
editors: Gerardo Canfora, Mark van den Br Brand and Tibor Gyimothy.
ACM SAC 2002 software engineering: theory and applications (SETA),
track edited by: David C. Rine, James Power and J. Paul Gibson,
published in the
proceedings of the
2002 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
(SAC), March 10 - 14, 2002, Madrid, Spain,
pages 969 - 970,
ISBN 1-58113-445-2.
Formal requirements models: simulation, validation and verification,
J. Paul Gibson,
Technical Report: NUI Maynooth, Computing Science Department, NUIM-CS-TR-2001-02,
Analog recurrent neural network simulation, O(log n) unordered search,
and bitonic sort with an optically-inspired model of computation,
Damien Woods, Thomas J. Naughton and J. Paul Gibson,
Technical Report: NUI Maynooth, Computing Science Department, NUIM-CS-TR-2001-06, 2001.
On the relationship between computational models and scientific theories,
Damien Woods, and J. Paul Gibson,
Technical Report: NUI Maynooth, Computing Science Department, NUIM-CS-TR-2001-05, 2001.
Formal Requirements Engineering: Learning from the students,
J. Paul Gibson,
presented at the 12th
Australian Software Engineering Conference 2000,
28-30 April 2000,Canberra, Australia, 2000.
Proceedings published by
IEEE Computer Society Press,
pages 171 - 181,
ISBN 0769506313,
edited by Doug Grant, 2000.
Specifying and Verifying IP with Linear Logic,
D Sinclair, J Power, J. Paul Gibson, D Gray and G Hamilton,
presented at the
International Workshop on Distributed System Validation and Verification
(DSVV00), Taipei, Taiwan, April 10, 2000.
Published in the proceedings of the 2000 ICDCS Workshops,
pages E104 -E110, editor Ten-Hwang Lai.
A taxonomy for triggered interactions using fair object semantics,
J. Paul Gibson, Geoff Hamilton and Dominique Méry
Presented at the
6th International Workshop on Feature Interactions In Telecommunications,
May 17 - 19, 2000, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Proceedings published by
IOS Press,
pages 193 - 210,
ISBN 1586030655,
editors: Calder and Magill, 2000.
Composing Fair Objects,
Geoff Hamilton, J. Paul Gibson and Dominique Méry.
In Proceedings of the
International Conference on Software Engineering Applied to Networks &
Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD '00), 18 - 21 May, 2000, Reims, France,
pages 225 - 233,
editors: Fouchal and Lee.
The Application of Correctness Preserving Transformations to Software Maintenance,
J. Paul Gibson, Tom Dowling and Brian Malloy.
Presented at the
16th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance 2000 (ICSM2000),
October 11 -14, 2000,
San Jose, California, USA.
Published by the
IEEE Computer Society Press,
pages 108 - 119,
ISBN 0769507530.
4th Irish Workshop on Formal Methods,
NUI Maynooth,
Thursday 6th July, 2000.
David Sinclair and J. Paul Gibson,
Published In:
BCS electronic workshops in computing (eWiC)
ISSN: 1477-9358.
Formal Modelling of services for better understanding of the feature
interaction problem: a multi-view approach,
J. Paul Gibson and Dominique Méry,
presented at the
Third International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference,
Perspectives of System Informatics (PSI'99),
Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 6-9, 1999.
Published in: Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume (1755),
ISBN 3540671021,
Editors: Dines Bjorner, Manfred Broy, Alexandre V. Zamulin,
pages 155 - 180.
Formal object oriented requirements: simulation, validation and verification,
J. Paul Gibson,
Presented at the
European Simulation Multi-conference
(ESM99): Modelling and Simulation:
A tool for the next millenium, vol II, Warsaw, Poland, June 1 -4, 1999.
Published by the
Society for Computer Simulation International SCS,
ISBN 1565551729,
editor: Helena Szczerbicka,
pages 103 - 111.
Animating formal specifications - a telephone simulation case study,
J. Paul Gibson,
Dominique Méry and Yassine Mokhtari.
Presented at the
European Simulation Multi-conference
(ESM99): Modelling and Simulation:
A tool for the next millenium, vol II, Warsaw, Poland, June 1 -4, 1999.
Published by the
Society for Computer Simulation International SCS,
ISBN 1565551729,
editor: Helena Szczerbicka,
pages 139 - 146.
Integration problems in telephone feature requirements,
J. Paul Gibson, Geoff Hamilton, and Dominique Méry,
Presented at the
1st International Workshop on Integrated Formal Methods (IFM99),
York, UK, 28-29 June 1999.
Published by Springer-Verlag UK,
ISBN 1852331070,
editors: Araki, Galloway and Taguchi,
pages 129 - 148.
Fair Objects,
J. Paul Gibson and Dominique Méry,
Presented at
Object Technology 1998: colloquium on
Object technology and systems re-engineering.
Published by Horwood Publishing,
ISBN 189856356X,
editors: Zedan and Cau,
pages 122 - 140, 1999.
Four logics and a protocol,
D Gray, G Hamilton, D Sinclair, J. Paul Gibson , and J Power,
Presented at the
3rd Irish Workshop on Formal Methods (IWFM99), Galway, 1 - 2 July 1999.
Published in the
BCS electronic workshops in computing (eWiC),
ISSN 1477-9358,
editors: Butterfield and Haegele.
Towards a Feature Interaction Algebra,
J. Paul Gibson,
Presented at the
5th International Workshop on Feature Interactions In Telecommunications,
September 29 - October 1, 1998,
Lund, Sweden.
Proceedings published by
IOS Press, pages 217 - 231, ISBN 9051994311,
editors: Kimbler and Bouma.
Teaching Formal Methods: Lessons to Learn,
Gibson, J.Paul and Dominique Méry,
Presented at the
2nd Irish Workshop on Formal Methods (IWFM98), Cork, 2 - 3 July, 1998.
Published by the
BCS electronic workshops in computing (eWiC),
ISSN 1477-9358,
editors: Butterfield and Flynn.
Always and Eventually in Object Requirements,
J. Paul Gibson, and Dominique Méry,
Published in the proceedings of the
Second Workshop on Rigorous Object Oriented Methods (ROOM 2),
Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK, 29 May, 1998.
POTS: An OO LOTOS Specification, J. Paul Gibson and Y. Mokhtari, Technical Report: Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy Rapport CRIN-98-R-013, 1998.
An OO Requirements Capture and Analysis Environment, J. Paul Gibson, Technical Report: Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy Rapport CRIN-98-R-010, 1998.
Spécification de services dans une logique temporelle compositionnelle, J. Paul Gibson, D. Cansell, B. Mermet and D. Méry, Technical Report: Rapport de fin du lot1 du marché no961B 1B CNET-CNRS-CRIN, Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy, Year 1998.
Telephone Feature Verification: Translating SDL to TLA+,
J. Paul Gibson and Dominique Méry,
Presented at
Proceedings of the 8th SDL Forum, Evry, France, 23-26 September, 1997
Published in SDL97 TIME FOR TESTING - SDL, MSC and Trends,
pages 103 - 119,
ISBN: 0444828168,
editors: Cavalli and Sarma.
Feature Requirements Models:
Understanding Interactions,
J. Paul Gibson,
Presented at the
IEEE Fourth International Workshop on Feature Interactions in Networks and Distributed Systems (FIW'97),
Montreal, Qc, Canada, June 1997. Published in
Feature Interactions In Telecommunication Networks IV, IOS Press,
pages 46 - 60,
ISBN: 9051993471,
editors: Dini et al.
Feature Interactions: A Mixed Semantic Model Approach,
J. Paul Gibson, B. Mermet and D. Méry,
Presented at the
1st Irish Workshop on Formal Methods (IWFM97), Dublin, Ireland, 3 - 4 July, 1997.
Published by the
BCS electronic workshops in computing (eWiC),
ISSN 1477-9358,
editors: O'Regan and McGloughlin.
A Unifying Model for Specification and Design,
J. Paul Gibson and Dominique Méry,
Presented at the
ECOOP96 Workshop on
Proof Theory of Concurrent Object-Oriented programming (PTCOOP96),
Linz, Austria, 1996.
Proceedings edited by D. Galmiche, J.P. Bashoun, J. Fiadeiro and A. Yonezawa.
Refining and Developing Concurrent Systems from Formal Specifications,
Dominique Méry, J. Paul Gibson, and Denis Roegel,
In Review:
ERCIM News (23)
, CRIN-95-R-378, 1995.
Formal Object Oriented Development of
Software Systems Using LOTOS,
J. Paul Gibson,
PhD Thesis:
University of Stirling, Report CSM-114,
Formal Object Based Design in LOTOS,
J. Paul Gibson,
Technical Report: TR-113, University of Stirling, CS Department,
A LOTOS-Based Approach to Neural Network Specification,
J. Paul Gibson,
Technical Report: TR-112, University of Stirling, CS Department,
Applying Formal Object Oriented Design Principles to Smalltalk-80,
J. Paul Gibson and Jim Lynch,
published in the
British Telecom Technology Journal, Volume 3,
July 1989, pages 12 - 24.
URL: http://jpaulgibson.synology.me/~jpaulgibson/TSP/Research/Publications/index.html | Last revision:9th September 2024 | Contact: paul.gibson@telecom-sudparis.eu |